Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Mike Roberts Postcards (1981-Present)
Curteichcolor Postcards (1964-1980)
I'd like to present a brief guide on the gold/yellow Baseball Hall of Fame Postcards that were sold at the Baseball Hall of Fame Museum in Cooperstown, NY from 1965 through early 1978 and again in 1980. This particular guide will focus on the Curteichcolor postcards and not the Mike Roberts/Scenic Arts postcards which the Hall of Fame started selling in 1981 and to this day is still selling in the gift shop.
I will try to present the information I have on these cards as best and factual as I can based on the information I have been able to obtain and I would appreciate any additional information that you might have to offer. If you have any additional information, or notice an error, please let me know using the e-bay message feature. Once again I would like to thank Bob Hicks for his wonderful ebay guides and for providing me the format for this guide and my guide to the Sepia HOF plaque postcards. I would also like to thank Kenneth Richard for his invaluable information in helping me put this guide together.
Curteichcolor gold HOF postcards replaced the Artvue HOF Postcards which were produced from 1956 until 1963. These should not be confused with the Mike Roberts/Scenic Arts postcards that are currently being sold in the gift shop of the Baseball Hall of Fame. Completing a set of these cards can prove to be somewhat of a challenge due to the short print run of a few of the inductees. When the postcards came out in 1965 all of the HOF members from 1936 to 1964 were sequentially numbered in alphabetical order starting with Grover Cleveland Alexander (if you look in the upper right hand corner of the pre 1965 inductees there will be a number starting with 5DK). Starting in 1965 the inductees for each class had its own unique numbering system (i.e. on the back of the postcards for the 68 inductees you will see the numbers start with 8DK). There are some exceptions however, as you would expect with the hall of fame postcards. The gift shop did not print any postcards for the class of 1967 in the year of 1967. The inductees from the 67 class were printed in 1968 prior to the printing of the cards for the inductees from the class of 68. Another exception is Ted Williams - his card was printed and released with the 67 class even though he was inducted in 1966.
Everything was going along smoothly enough until 1976. This is when the variations really started to kick in. Prior to 1976 all of the text on the back of the Curteichcolor cards was printed in green ink. For some reason they decided they now wanted the ink on the back of the cards to be black. Only now the inductees issued from 1976 and on have a unique numbering sequence: anything issued prior to 1976 has the same number assigned to it when it was issued orignially (green ink). For instance, the Babe Ruth Curteichcolor card would have the same number on the back no matter whether it was printed with green or black ink, whereas Bob Lemon has his own unique number on the back since he originated with the 76 printing. Now we start having guys issued with backs printed in both black and green inks. The print size varied between the 76 and 77 postcards so we can tell the difference between the cards of those years. The 1980 print run is even easier to identify due to the "Printed in Ireland" notation in the upper right hand corner of the postcards. In 1978 and 1979 the Hall of fame experimented with the look of the postcards and gave us the Dexter Press HOF postcards (discussed in another ebay guide). The Dexter Press postcards were poorly received due to not being a very good media for autographs and Curteichcolor again took over the production of the gold/yellow postcards for the 1980 year before relinquishing the publishing rights to Mike Roberts in 1981.
Based on the postcards in my collection and other information I have obtained from other collectos I believe there to be 165 different player postcards in the Curteichcolor set. I have in my collection 151 different postcards with the green ink text on the back and 86 with the black ink text on the back. Please email me with any additions. The only Curteichcolor postcard I don't have is the Larry MacPhail. If anyone has an extra I would be more than happy to trade or purchase the card from them. Please let me know. The following list is the players who have Curteichcolor postcards available:
Alexander, Grover green Anson, Cap both
Appling, Luke both
Averill, Earl both
Baker, Frank both
Bancroft, Dave green
Banks, Ernie only exists in black
Barrow, Ed green
Beckley, Jake green
Bell, Cool Papa both
Bender, Chief green
Berra, Yogi both
Bottomley, Jim both
Boudreau, Lou green
Bresnahan, Roger both
Brouthers, Dan green
Brown, Mordecai both
Bulkeley, Morgan green
Burkett, Jesse both
Campanella, Roy both
Carey, Max green
Cartwright, Alexander both
Chadwick, Henry green
Chance, Frank green
Charleston, Oscar only exists in black
Chesbro, Jack both
Clarke, Fred both
Clarkson, John green
Clemente, Roberto both
Cobb, Ty both
Cochrane, Mickey both
Collins, Eddie both
Collins, Jimmy both
Combs, Earle green
Comiskey, Charlie both
Conlan, Jocko both
Connolly, Tom both
Connor, Roger only exists in black
Coveleski, Stan green
Crawford, Sam green
Cronin, Joe green
Cummings, Candy green
Cuyler, Kiki green
Dean, Dizzy green
Delahanty, Ed both
Dickey, Bill both
Dimaggio,Joe both
Duffy, Hugh both
Evans, Billy green
Evers, Johnny green
Ewing, Buck both
Faber, Red green
Feller, Bob both
Flick, Elmer green
Ford, Whitey both
Foxx, Jimmie green
Frick, Ford green
Frisch, Frankie green
Galvin, Pud both
Gehrig, Lou both
Gehringer, Charlie both
Gibson, Josh both
Gomez, Lefty green
Goslin, Goose both
Greenberg, Hank both
Griffith, Clark both
Grimes, Burleigh both
Grove, Lefty both
Hafey, Chick green
Haines, Jesse both
Hamilton, Billy green
Harridge, Will green
Harris, Bucky green
Hartnett, Gabby green
Heilmann, Harry green
Herman, Billy both
Hooper, Harry green
Hornsby, Rogers both
Hoyt, Waite green
Hubbard, Cal only exists in black
Hubbell, Carl green
Huggins, Miller green
Irvin, Monte green
Jennings, Hugh green
Johnson, Ban green
Johnson, Judy both
Johnson, Walter green
Kaline, Al only exists in black
Keefe, Tim green
Keeler, Willie green
Kelley, Joe green
Kelly, George green
Kelly, King green
Kiner, Ralph both
Klein, Chuck only exists in black
Klem, Bill both
Koufax, Sandy green
Lajoie, Nap green
Landis, Kenesaw M. both
Lemon, Bob only exists in black
Leonard, Buck both
Lindstrom, Fred only exists in black
Lopez, Al only exists in black
Lyons, Ted green
Mack, Connie green
MacPhail, Larry only exists in black
Mantle, Mickey both
Manush, Heinie green
Maranville, Rabbit both
Marquard, Rube both
Mathewson, Christy green
McCarthy, Joe green
McCarthy, Tommy green
McGinnity, Joe both
McGraw, John green
McKechnie, Bill green
Medwick, Joe green
Musial, Stan both
Nichols, Kid green
O'Rourke, Jim green
Ott, Mel both
Paige, Satchel green
Pennock, Herb green
Plank, Eddie both
Radbourn, Charlie both
Rice, Sam green
Rickey, Branch both
Rixey, Eppa both
Roberts, Robin only exists in black
Robinson, Jackie both
Robinson, Wilbert both
Roush, Edd green
Ruffing, Red both
Ruth, Babe both
Schalk, Ray green
Sewell, Joe only exists in black
Simmons, Al green
Sisler, George both
Snider, Duke only exists in black
Spahn, Warren both
Spalding, Al green
Speaker, Tris both
Stengel, Casey green
Terry, Bill both
Thompson, Sam both
Tinker, Joe both
Traynor, Pie green
Vance, Dazzy green
Waddell, Rube both
Wagner, Honus green
Wallace, Bobby green
Walsh, Ed both
Waner, Lloyd green
Waner, Paul both
Ward, John green
Weiss, George green
Welch, Mickey both
Wheat, Zack green
Williams, Ted both
Wright, George green
Wright, Harry green
Wynn, Early green
Yawkey, Tom only exists in black
Young, Cy both
Youngs, Ross green
Please let me know if there are any more that are possible, as I am certain this is not all that exist.
Based on what I have seen in the marketplace there are 73 or 74 possible autographs in the Curteichcolor set depending upon if you consider the autograph Roy Campanella produced after his accident to be a valid, authentic autograph. I have put the players that have autographs available in itallics in the above list. Please let me know if there are any additions or corrections. Completing a set of autographed Curteichcolor could prove to be quite a challenge due to the difficulty of the big 3 (Bancroft, Foxx & Goslin). Robinson, Hafey, & Hubbard are tougher than most of the others to find, but not as difficult as the big 3.
Artvue B&W Postcards (1953-1963)
I'd like to present a brief guide of the B&W Baseball Hall of Fame Postcards that were sold at the Baseball Museum in Cooperstown from the early 1940's through the early 1960's. This particular guide will focus on Artvue postcards depicting both player/manager/executive/umpire plaque postcards and the non-plaque postcards (such as Baseball Museum interior and exterior photos etc.) Albertype B&W HOF Postcards- which are very similar - are covered in a separate guide found on e-bay. If this guide proves helpful to you please indicate so below - it's my only reward for presenting this material to you.
I will try to be as factual as possible, however there are some areas of speculation - which I will try to identify as such. Adding to the confusion, is my belief that there are minor errors and omissions in the Sports Collector's Digest (SCD) Catalog (to which I was a contributor). If you have any additional information, or notice an error, please let me know using the e-bay message feature. I would like to thank the following folks for their help over the years in compiling some of this information: B. Gould, P. Henrici, J. Maher, J. Newman and D. Yaw.
Artvue HOF postcards replaced those made by Albertype starting in 1953. The first (Type 1), were produced from 1953 through 1955 and, like the Albertype processors, the plaque picture has holes in the four corners. (see pictures below for comparison). Type 2 Artvue plaque postcards were produced from 1956 through 1963 and the plaque picture has baseball "bolts" in the four corners.
NOTE: I apologize for the partial photos - but the necessary detail will be lost if I show the entire postcardsType 1 Artvue (left portion of picture - notice holes in corner); Type 2 Artvue (right portion - see baseball "bolts")
Besides the Type 2 variation, the other two key differences between the Artvue and Albertype postcards is the font used on the front of the postcard and the back of the postcards are significantly different. (See below)
Note different fonts used in Albertype (top portion) vs. Artvue (bottom portion)
The reverse side of the Artvue postcard is the same for Type 1 and Type 2
The SCD Catalog lists 79 Different Plaques for Artvue Type 1 and 94 Plaques for Artvue Type 2. Based on current information, I believe that there are only 76 Type 1 Plaques (No Herb Pennock, Al Spalding or Pie Traynor) and only 93 Type 2 Plaques (No Cap Anson). Contact me if you have any additional information.
Artvue Type 1 Plaque Checklist:
Alexander, Anson, Baker, Barrow, Bender, Bresnahan, Brouthers, Brown, Bulkeley, Burkett, Cartwright, Chadwick, Chance, Chesbro, Clarke, Cobb, Cochrane, Collins, E., Collins, J., Comiskey, Connolly, Cummings, Dean**, Delahanty, Dickey, DiMaggio, Duffy, Evers, Ewing, Foxx, Frisch, Gehrig, Gehringer, Griffith, Grove, Hartnett, Heilmann, Hornsby, Hubbell, Jennings, Johnson, B., Johnson, W.,Keeler, Kelly, Klem, Lajoie, Landis, Lyons, Mack, Maranville, Mathewson, McCarthy T., McGinnity, McGraw, Nichols, O'Rourke, Ott, Pennock*, Plank, Radbourn, Robinson, W., Ruth, Schalk, Simmons**, Sisler, Spalding*, Speaker, Terry, Tinker, Traynor*, Vance, Waddell, Wagner, Wallace, Walsh, Waner, P., Wright, G., Wright, H. and Young
* I don't believe Pennock, Spalding or Traynor Type 1 Artvue Postcards exist.
** I believe that the Type 1 Artvue Dizzy Dean and Al Simmons have baseball bolts instead of holes. (See Pictures)
Artvue Type 2 Plaque Checklist: (All Type 1 Plaques plus...)
Anson***, Carey, Clarkson, Crawford, Cronin, Feller, Flick, Greenberg, Hamilton, McCarthy, J., McKechnie, Pennock, Rice, Rixey, Robinson, J., Roush, Spalding, Traynor, & Wheat (Also the Edward Barrow Plaque is different than Type 1 - see below)
*** I don't believe a Cap Anson Type 2 Artvue Postcard exists.
Al Simmons - Artvue Type 1 (left); Artvue Type 2 (right)
Dizzy Dean - Artvue Type 1 (left); Artvue Type 2 (right)
Note the different plaques between Edward Barrow's Type 1 and Type 2 Artvue Postcard
In the Beginning...Sepia B&W Postcards (1939-1943)
I'd like to present a brief guide of the B&W Baseball Hall of Fame Postcards that were sold at the Baseball Museum in Cooperstown from the opening of the hall of fame in 1939 through 1943. These postcards were produced by the albertype company and were the precursors to the albertype and artvue postcards that were produced from the mid 1940's through the 1960's. Guides on the Artvue and Albertype postcards have already been completed and are an invaluable resource for anyone who is just starting collecting these cards and even those who are well into completing their sets.
I will try to provide the information as accurately as I can based on information I have learned myself and from others. If you have any additional information, or notice an error, please let me know using the e-bay message feature. I want to give thanks to Bob Hicks for all of his help in steering me in the right direction with these postcards and Dan Yaw for helping me put much of this set together. I have decided to use the same format that Mr. Hicks used in presenting the guides on the Albertypes and the Artvues because that seems to have worked very well in presenting the information.
Sepia-toned Baseball HOF Postcards were first produced by Albertype in 1939 and sold only at the baseball hall of fame. There are two variations of the Sepia HOF postcards The difference between the two variations of Sepia B&W Postcards involves the text on the back of the plaque postcards. The first (Type 1), were produced only in 1939 and the text on the back of the card reads "Base ball was invented in Cooperstown, New York, by Abner Doubleday and first played there in 1939. National interest centers in the Centennial Celebration in 1939 at Cooperstown". (see pictures below for comparison). Type 2 Sepia plaque postcards were produced from 1940 through 1943 and the text on the back of the card reads "Base ball was invented in Cooperstown, New York, by Abner Doubleday and first played in this village in 1939. The National Base Ball Museum and Hall of Fame and Doubleday Field are maintained here as a Shrine to the national game".
To the best of my knowledge there are 25 Sepia Type 1 player cards and 27 Type 2 player cards.
Sepia Type 1 Plaque Checklist:
Alexander, Anson, Bulkeley, Cartwright, Chadwick, Cobb, Eddie Collins, Comiskey, Cummings, Ewing, B. Johnson, W. Johnson, Keeler, Lajoie, Mack, Mathewson, McGraw, Radbourn, Ruth, Sisler, Spalding, Speaker, Wagner, G. Wright & Young.
Sepia Type 2 Plaque Checklist: (All Type 1 Plaques plus...)
Gehrig & Hornsby
Autographed Sepias
As you might guess, autographed examples of the Sepias are extremely rare and valuable. I haven't found many of them for sale over the few years that I have been collecting them. In December 2005 Sothebys sold a lot of 16 signed postcards that included Ruth, Young, Speaker, W. Johnson, Wagner, Mack, Alexander, Cobb & Lajoie. These were all signed on their respective hof plaque postcards and there was also a group that were each signed on Mathewson postcards and these included E. Collins, Sisler, Arky Vaughan, L. Waner, etc. The lot sold for $72,000. The last Ruth sepia hof plaque postcard I saw for sale sold for almost $45,000 in the 2008 Robert Edwards auction. I have only seen 3 Babe Ruth sepia signed plaque postcards and have never seen one on an Albertype or Artvue hof plaque postcard.
Final Thoughts:
I have found it more difficult to find the Type 2 Sepia player cards for my set than I have for the Sepia Type 1 player cards and I would have assumed it would have been the other way around since the Type 1 cards were only printed for the 1 year. Perhaps after the initial collectors purchased the player cards in the Sepia Type 1's then they didn't bother with purchasing the Type 2's of the same player since they already had a postcard that looked exactly the same except for the text on the back. Perhaps someone else can shed some light on why this might be or if they have indeed noticed the same thing in their quest to complete a Sepia set. I am having more trouble finding the Type 1 non-player cards so this really makes it difficult to comprehend.